Google Analytics Consulting Services

No matter the scope or details of your SEO strategy, solid analytics and metrics are what tangibly measure what’s working and what’s not. Data doesn’t lie, and it’s a huge part of what informs our tactics here at Sure Oak.

Analytics & Metrics Tracking

The foundation of any marketing or advertising endeavor is proper and accurate reporting analytics. It’s critical to identify what metrics are key for any strategy, and because major decisions will likely be made based off the data, confirming that it is accurate and reliable is a top priority.

As part of your holistic SEO strategy, we work with you to either set up or update your analytic tracking methods. We then combine these methods with our own technologies to:

  1. Provide a solid benchmark at the beginning of every strategy to understand where current data points lie.
  2. Set up ongoing and reliable data metrics to track throughout all strategies. This helps to ensure everything is moving in the right direction. It also allows us to see if any pivots to the strategy are necessary.
  3. Be able to point directly to what metrics matter the most for your website and business, as well as any improvements for ongoing success.

We work with many types of analytic software across a variety of strategies, including (but not limited to):

Do you know if your webpages are performing to their maximum potential? Find out more about how our SEO optimization services can help your business.